Learn how you can get involved in Flying Mission.

Flying Mission believes prayer is essential for all that we do.
We seek to under-pin all our activities with prayer and intercession.
Please join us in praying for the nations of Botswana and Zambia, and for Flying Mission as it seeks to be part of building God’s Kingdom in Southern Africa through its activities.
Stay informed by subscribing to our E-memo newsletter.

Donate for CMA
We have a one-time opportunity to purchase CMA, one of the aircraft we have been using over 10 years, and permanently add it to our fleet.
If you can help to raise the needed funds, we at Flying Mission Zambia, our partners and the people we serve will be very grateful!
Make a donation

Botswana Donations
Flying Mission
Bank: ABSA Botswana
Branch: Mall Branch
Account number: 2741359
Branch Code: 290167
Swift Code: BARCBWGX

Zambia Donations
Flying Mission Zambia Registered Trustees
Account number: 62530439935
Swift Code: FIRNZMLX
Branch Code: 26001
Branch: Commercial Suite
Stand number 22768, Acacia Office Park
Cnr Thabo Mbeki and Great East Roads
Lusaka, Zambia

Switzerland Donations
PostFinance, Nordring 8, CH-3030 Bern
IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 8004 2881 3
Konto: 80-42881-3
Vermerk: Flying Mission Sambia

UK Donations
Cheques to:
Flying Mission Ltd
8 The Royals
11 Links Gate
Lytham St Annes
United Kingdom
Barclays Bank Plc, UK
Account name: Flying Mission Limited
Sort Code: 20-82-14
Account number: 20867322
Swift Code: BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB77 BUKB 2082 1420867322
Registered Charity 1114919

USA Donations
Cheques to:
Flying Mission USA
1698 Airport Road N.
Suite #1
Worthington, MN 56187
Come to Zambia
Learn more about our short-term volunteer opportunities.
Are you interested in a hands-on mission trip?
Are you able to organize a fundraising event on behalf of FM?
Here are a few ideas:
- Sponsored run
- Bake / Sale
- Benefit concert
- Gala dinner
- Football tournament
We are happy to provide information about FM and our community projects.
Please get in touch with us for more ideas, and how we can help.